More transport Changing Places
We are delighted that Kings Cross train station has now opened a Changing Places toilet available for people with profound and multiple learning disabilities and other people with severe disabilities who need the help of one or more carer. We have seen this facility and will soon be registering it on the website with photos. The Changing Places consortium is currently working with architects and developers who are upgrading Category A train stations across the UK.
Their document “Accessible Train Station Design for Disabled People” is a joint publication by Department for Transport and Transport Scotland that states that: “A Changing Places toilet facility should be provided in all large railway stations (category A). Further advice on the design and installation of Changing Places facilities can be obtained by contacting the Changing Places Consortium. The Changing Places facility should be in addition to, not instead of, the provision of unisex accessible WCs.”
In addition to this work, we have just registered a new Changing Places toilet at Eurotunnel Passenger Terminal (pictured) in Folkestone which is a great facility available for people travelling abroad.
Margaret Clough from Lichfield is a devoted campaigner for easy access in UK airports and other transport hubs. Her daughter Julie has Cerebral Palsy, and they have both played an instrumental role in campaigning across the country.
Margaret said: “We’re so pleased that Kings Cross and Eurotunnel have installed a Changing Places toilet. This demonstrates the continuing commitment towards creating a safe and easy way for carers and those with disabilities to travel freely using trains. These new facilities will make a huge difference to families who need additional support when travelling.”
The full Department for Transport document can be read at:
The Changing Places campaign is run by the Changing Places Consortium.