The Changing Places campaign launched a new symbol for Changing Places toilets.
The blue and white circular image has been designed to highlight the differences between a standard accessible toilet and a Changing Places toilet. The symbol was unveiled by disabled artist and author Alison Lapper at the launch of the Changing Places campaign at Tate Modern on 19 July 2006.
Graphic designer Sacha Dunning explains: “A Changing Places toilet is different to a standard disabled toilet. This room should include a toilet with space either side for a carer, an adult-sized height adjustable changing bench and a hoist. It was important to communicate all of these elements clearly through the design, which uses a circular shape to represent the Changing Places space.
By depicting the key elements in a simple rounded style and using a recognisable colour scheme often used for signs, we hope to have achieved something that is accessible and familiar and will be used across the country.”
Using the symbol
If you have a Changing Places toilet at your venue which meets the minimum standards for a Changing Places toilet, you should use the Changing Places symbol on your signage. Using the Changing Places symbol will help families to easily identify that your venue has a toilet which meets their needs.
The Changing Places symbol is available to use on the door of your Changing Places toilet, on wayfinding signage, and in promotional literature. Please read our guidelines for using the Changing Places symbol.
We recommend that venues follow good practice guidance for signage, to ensure that Changing Places facilities can be easily located by disabled people and their families. Read good practice guidance on 'Wayfinding, information and signs' taken from Designing for accessibility the best-selling design guide published by the Centre for Accessible Environments and RIBA Publishing.
How to get the symbol
Changing Places symbol artwork files which can be used by sign makers can be supplied on request from the Changing Places consortium. Please contact us.
Ready-made Changing Places signs are available from manufacturer Phlexicare. To request a catalogue telephone 020 8586 4600 or email sales@nichollsandclarke.com (please note this does not constitute a recommendation).